Tempting Marcus Read online

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  “Shut the fuck up and let him get on with it,” Marcus replied, his booming voice calling everyone to attention.

  “Thanks, Boss.” Hex cleared his throat, eyeing the rest of the team gathered before him and pulling Beth into his side. “I’d just like to say congratulations on turning the big two one. When you first joined our rowdy crew, we were all skeptical about how you’d go. Not having a military background didn’t faze you though, and I think I can speak for all the guys and gals here when I say, well, you surprised the hell out of us. You’ve turned into a great little spy, Ms. Reid, and a formidable fighter as well. Yes, we all helped you learn those combat skills you took to like a baby duck takes to water, but you put in the hard yards to get up to speed with the rest of us. We’re all as proud as hell to have you as one of the team. So, to Beth. Not only a good spy but one hell of a sexy woman to boot.”

  As everyone raised their drinks with a cheer, Billy slapped Hex on the arm.

  “Some would say that last remark bordered on workplace harassment,” she quipped, smiling over at Beth.

  “What? It was a compliment,” Hex replied.

  The women laughed. Beth knew Hex didn’t mean anything by the remark, and Billy knew it as well. They all teased and joked with each other, it was part of working with the hard-ass men surrounding her. If any of the women decided to take offense at endearments like sexy or sweetheart, the men had a right to take offense at the terms the women used for them—big boy, Neanderthal, shithead.

  Hex was correct in what he’d said and not just that she was sexy. The first twelve months were hard, but she had been determined to fit in. The more valuable she proved to be and the harder she trained and sparred with each man, the easier things became. Slowly, one by one, each man came around. She was now, unequivocally, just one of the guys.

  “Hey, come and look at your presents, princess,” Syn called from across the room.

  As Beth approached him, she noticed an assortment of items dispersed amongst torn up wrapping paper.

  “They decided to help you out and unwrap them before you arrived.” Sasha sidled up beside her and stared at the mess Syn and Red seemed so proud of. “Personally, I think it’s because they’re all nosy, sticky beaks and wanted to see who gave you the best gift.”

  Bethany perused the assortment. Two of the largest bottles of Jack Daniels she’d ever seen. A hip flask with Betty Boop seductively draped on the front of it—accompanied by a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs. Gift vouchers for a tattoo parlor, a lingerie store, and a sex shop—all the things every girl dreams of for her twenty-first.

  “A sex swing?” Beth proclaimed loudly. “Which one of you perverts bought me a sex swing?”

  “That’d be me, sexy!” Sykes yelled across the room, obviously proud of his purchase. “You can never have too many. I find one in each room of the house works best. They also double as hanging chairs in the outside entertaining area. Very cool.” From some of the descriptions of his sexual exploits, Beth believed he did have them all over his house.

  At least Billy and Sasha gave her a cool, leather handbag and matching wallet which she absolutely adored. If her parents asked what gifts she received for her birthday, she’d have two she could mention that wouldn’t worry the hell out of them.

  Her parents had no idea what she really did for a living, and Beth wanted to keep it that way. They assumed the internet clothing business she’d started while still in high school provided her with a livable income. In truth, the business was doing well, but her substantial income and main means of support came from being one of Marcus’ misfits.

  If they knew she worked as part of a team that did the dirty work for more than one government department as well as civilians with enough money to pay Marcus’ often exorbitant fees, her parents would probably explode and try to send her to her room until she was eighty.

  Beth glanced around the room and spied Marcus sitting quietly off to the side of the large meeting space, watching the proceedings rather than participating as was his style. Bethany held up the handcuffs and feigned embarrassment, causing Marcus to smile wickedly. When he smiled at her like that, she just wanted to melt into his arms and say I’m yours because she knew, he only ever smiled like that at her. At least, that was her observation. Maybe he smiled for others, but she’d never noticed it, and he definitely didn’t give anyone else that wickedly cheeky grin. To Beth, he was stunning with or without a smile, becoming swoon-worthy when the smile turned sinful.

  Marcus was a good man, despite his often gruff, almost arrogant approach to people. Bethany acknowledged him as the alpha male amidst the group of men she worked with. Yes, they were all dominant and formidable in their own way, but Marcus was the penultimate. His natural leadership style and dominant personality traits attracted her like no other. His softer side, which she saw on occasion, generally when they were alone, balanced the toughness, and she longed to explore more of that side of him. If only he’d let his guard down, she might have a chance of doing just that.

  Tonight, he wore his dark hair slicked back, the sharp angles and curves of his face appearing even more striking with no wisps of stray hair to detract from them. At times, she’d seen him with his hair loose, au naturel, so to speak, falling in thick wavy layers around his face and onto his shoulders. It softened his hard features and made the temptation to run her fingers through it almost impossible to resist. She’d felt the attraction between them from the first time they’d met. Her flirting attempts failed, of course. After all, at seventeen she’d been way too young for a man like Marcus. Over the years since then, she’d noted a distinct increase in his interest.

  A smoldering gaze always accompanied the sultry smile she loved so much. More and more, his lust-filled stare fixed on her when he believed she wouldn’t notice. She always did. That’s what he employed her for, to notice the things no one else did although, he clearly didn’t expect her to turn that skill on him. Beth’s body warmed with passion as he continued his silent observation. Her nipples hardened in response to his gaze, moisture pooled between her thighs, and her cunt clenched at the thought of him using those damn fluffy cuffs to immobilize her and use her body until she screamed with pleasure.

  He wouldn’t though, at least, not yet. Marcus lived by certain rules, and he rarely deviated from them. She hoped that would change. Every year since they’d met, Bethany hoped she’d now be old enough for him to act on his interest in her. Initially, he’d seen other women. Passing fancies she sometimes heard the team discussing. Even without seeing these women, Beth hated every one of them. She refused to allow her jealousy to show, at least, she hoped that was the case. One by one, the women who tasted what Bethany wanted, fell by the wayside, and, for some time now, she’d not heard mention of Marcus seeing anyone.

  Maybe twenty-one is my year.

  Bethany sighed when the arm wrestling contest started and wandered over to join Marcus. His tall body relaxed on the sofa, one arm outstretched along the back of the seat, the other resting on its arm. Even with his casual pose, the well-defined muscles of his shoulders and abs remained visible under his tight tee. For an older man, his body rivaled men half his age. Not that anyone was sure how old he was. That information he kept to himself. Some said he was close to fifty, others guessed younger. Not that it mattered to Beth, her interest was in the man, not his date of birth.

  Marcus didn’t move away as she slouched into the sofa and nestled into his side. He never turned her away, which she loved and hated. It told her he desired the physical contact with her. It also reminded her this may be the only form of contact he’d ever allow her to have.

  “Are you enjoying your party, baby girl?” Beth smiled at his use of the words. Baby girl was a term of endearment he’d used with her since she’d join the team.

  Whereas some women might find the term offensive, Beth knew it was a sign of his affection toward her. She suspected he also used the term to remind himself of the age difference between them which
she assumed was the main reason he resisted acting on his attraction to her.

  “The boys are behaving like it’s a buck’s night. I’m waiting for the knock on the door announcing that the strippers have arrived,” she joked.

  “Ha,” Marcus laughed in his trademark way but didn’t comment. The single outburst of ha always amused her, and she wondered whether one day he might actually let loose and partake in a full-on belly laugh. That, she’d love to see.

  “Hey, should you still be calling me baby girl? After all, I am a grown up twenty-one now?” No time like the present to remind him of her womanhood. After all, he’d made her horny just with his intense scrutiny from afar. Being this close was only heightening her arousal.

  “You will always be my baby girl, even when you’re as old as I am.” His arm now rested on her shoulders rather than the back of the chair, and he stroked her arm absently as he spoke.

  “Exactly how old would that be, daddy?” She glanced upward to meet his gaze. There was that wicked smile again, the D word always brought it out in him.

  “Old enough to be your father, Bethany, so don’t push it.” The reprimanding tone of his voice made her shiver.

  “If I push it, will you put me over your knee and spank me?” She batted her eyelids innocently at him and snuggled further into his side, turning slightly to allow the fullness of her breast to brush against him.

  “You wish, little one.” His tone changed to one of amusement as he reached into the pocket of his jacket, perched on the arm of the seat and pulled out a gift box. “Happy Birthday, baby. Now, stop being cheeky and open your present.”

  Bethany gasped at the beauty contained in the box. A sterling silver necklace, adorned with a large red crystal heart with a teardrop-shaped red crystal hanging just below its base sparkled before her. Black roses entwined the heart, stretching outward, interlacing with the chain on either side. It was just her taste in jewelry. The gothic-inspired piece spoke to her of a love that although difficult, still survived despite its thorny entanglements.

  “It’s beautiful, Marcus.” Beth reached up and kissed Marcus’ cheek. “I’ll treasure it always.”

  Marcus took the necklace from her and indicated for her to sit up. Raising her long hair to expose her neck, she waited as he fastened the necklace in place. His fingers brushed along the curve of her skin before he leaned in, kissing the curve of her neck and eliciting an unexpected shudder of delight from her.

  “You’re beautiful,” the words, softly whispered in her ear were like a soothing elixir to her soul. Maybe twenty-one was the magical number for him and her.

  His arms encircled her waist, pulling her body back against him, so she rested with her back on his chest. He maintained his hold on her, arms loosely drawing her to him, his chin resting on her crown. Beth could feel the steady beat of his heart and wondered if he could feel the accelerated beat of hers. She moved to the side, gazing up at Marcus who seemed intent on watching the ongoing arm wrestling competition. Beth knew it was now or never. At the risk of ruining the intimate moment they’d just shared, she decided to give Marcus a little push, hopefully, one in the right direction.

  “You know, I really like my birthday present, but it wasn’t exactly what I’d been hoping you’d give me.” Her heart raced as she waited for his response. He glanced down at her.

  “Oh, really, and what did you hope I’d give you for your birthday, baby?”

  She held her breath, knowing this would either be a disaster or suddenly become the best night of her life.

  “You, Marcus, I hoped I’d get you for my birthday.”

  Chapter Two

  Marcus nearly came in his pants. She wanted him. The revelation wasn’t surprising or new, Beth had flirted with him from day one, but she’d never been as blatant about it before. Marcus closed his eyes, his heart pounding twice as hard as he attempted to rein in his soaring need for her. When he finally looked back down, she remained staring up at him with those beautiful chocolate eyes of hers, the color darkened with lust, and he hated himself for what he was about to do.

  “Not going to happen, baby girl.” A quick kiss on the cheek before he stood to address the team was the only sign of apology he offered.

  Marcus didn’t look back once he moved, not wanting to see the disappointment, anger, upset, or whichever emotion his rejection evoked fill her face. He was a cad, to use the old-fashioned term, an ungentlemanly man who chose a quick reply rather than letting Beth down gently. He reminded himself the abrupt way he spoke was one of self-preservation. If he’d tried to be gentle, the longing in her eyes may have swayed him. The pounding of his heart, the lust possibly reflected in his own eyes, and the throbbing erection he now sported would have betrayed him. Hell, it probably already had.

  “Let’s call a stop to this frivolity and get down to business.” His booming voice elicited utter silence within the group as almost every member of the team took a seat and focused their gaze on him.

  Bethany sat quietly, fiddling with the pink handcuffs, her head down, gaze focused on the gift rather than him. Marcus drew in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Prick was a more apt description for him and what he’d just done to his sweet Beth. All she’d ever done was show her affection for him, her desire to be his. Her actions remained consistent from the day they’d first met, her youthful flirtations increasing his curiosity and giving him a glimpse into the amazing woman she’d become. Likewise, his actions remained unaltered. Allowing the flirtations, accepting the interest, but remaining aloof despite the raging need Beth evoked within him.

  “Are you with us, baby girl?” Marcus wanted to kick himself when she lifted her head, and he saw the hurt in her eyes.

  “Always.” His heart clenched at the softly spoken reply Beth gave as she meandered over to join them.

  Billy glared as she slapped the bundle of files against his stomach with force. From experience, he knew it was her way of saying, ‘I don’t know what you just did, but you’re a shithead.’ He was, but he suffered alongside Bethany in this. The almost intolerable desire he felt for her was with him every day, but a quick roll between the sheets as a birthday treat wouldn’t remedy the situation. Bethany didn’t do one-night stands, well, not that he knew of. In fact, the only boyfriends she’d spoken about were from years before they first met. She didn’t currently have anyone in her life, or he’d know about it.

  Keeping tabs on the personal lives of his team was something he insisted on. Personal relations were one thing an adversary could use against him or members of his crew. Knowing who the targets were meant he could limit damage to anyone close to the squad, in turn, ensuring there were no distractions during missions. Luckily, only Ash had a significant other in his life. The rest remained single, engaging in casual pickups and playing the field. Well, that mainly pertained to the men, his girls weren’t the casual sex kind, thank goodness. If he needed to vet any man who might try to latch onto Billy, Sasha, Kat, or Bethany, he’d be like the overprotective father of quadruplets. Especially when it came to Beth—no one would ever be good enough for her, and that list included him.

  “In the grand words of whoever that actor was from whatever space movie I saw one hundred years ago—Houston, we have a problem.”

  The comment drew attention to him from everyone in the room. He heard a couple of his team mumble the names of the actor and movie under their breath, but none of them voiced the words out loud. They wouldn’t dare.

  “Did we get a hit?” Hex’s question went unanswered as Marcus waited on Billy to load up the computer. Once she gave him the nod, he continued.

  “To answer your question Hex, no we didn’t get a hit, we got a hit parade.” One by one the images, including Beth’s, appeared on the large screen attached to the wall. “Seven hits to be precise. Clearly, the city has an abundance of sexy, young, women with long, dark hair in their early twenties to choose from.”

  Having so many options made Marcus’ task even more difficult. Yes
, he’d select Bethany as his preferred choice, pay to have her captured and delivered to him—as for the others? He’d need to ensure no harm came to them in the process. Getting the feds to take them all into protective custody for the duration of the mission was a nice idea, but the slave traders would easily find replacements. It was impossible to protect every beautiful brunette in Sydney.

  “At least Beth made the hit list, way to go sexy young thing.” Sykes gave Bethany a hefty nudge with his shoulder, almost pushing her off her chair. The slap of retaliation his operative received had Marcus stifling a grin.

  “Yes, Beth made the list, and we all know she will be my first choice when I notify the traders of who I’d like, however—”

  “Wait a minute, don’t you mean Beth will be your only choice?” Bethany sounded indignant. “What’s all this first-choice shit? I didn’t agree to be kidnapped for just any man, Marcus, so you better make it clear you want me.”

  “I have to give them a first, second, and third preference, but yes, Beth, I will make it clear if I don’t get the premium cut from the pack, I won’t be happy.” His response elicited a smug smile from her, which indicated he might be in the clear for the rejection situation. “Tomorrow, I’ll put in the call to Mr. Oshimara’s Australian contact, Nigel Charlton, and tell him I want Beth, plus whoever else I decide on as the lucky runners-up. Then we wait. In the meantime, we need to ensure the other six women they profiled as potential matches to my requirements are safe and kept out of harm’s way. You each have an assigned target. These files contain all the relevant information we have on them.”

  “Most of the information, I’m just finalizing the last two.” Billy glanced up from her keyboard to meet Marcus’ glare. “What? There were extras, and I had the party to organize. Don’t even think of chewing me out over this, Boss.” Marcus gave her a nod, and she went back to finalizing the last two profiles.